Academy for Grassroots Organizations was formed in 2000 to meet the needs of a growing San Bernardino County by coalescing and strengthening its nonprofit sector.
Academy for Grassroots Organizations was formed in 2000 to meet the needs of a growing San Bernardino County by coalescing and strengthening its nonprofit sector.
Today, with a mission to improve the quality of life in the region by supporting and strengthening the social service sector, “AcademyGO” provides a variety of resources and nonprofit learning opportunities throughout the region and serves a network of more than 1,000 nonprofit professionals and volunteers.
As their CEO, Vici Nagel likes to say, "[The nonprofit sector improves] our quality of life ... so we want to make sure that the thousands of amazing people and organizations working to change lives in our region have all the resources and skills they need to be successful. That's our mission in a nutshell."
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This organization is 501c3 tax deductible and certified.