

Written by Ian Wang | Aug 16, 2019 8:02:23 PM

Unical Aero JMS2001-107UA Lavatory Latch Assembly will be similar to JAMCO JMS2001-107 Latch in fit, form, and function. Aircraft lavatory modules are positioned at various locations in an aircraft.


Latch Assembly

Installs on: Lavatory DoorOEM JAMCO JMS2001-107


Unical Aero JMS2001-107UA Lavatory Latch Assembly will be similar to JAMCO JMS2001-107 Latch in fit, form, and function. Aircraft lavatory modules are positioned at various locations in an aircraft. Lavatory access is depending on the type of module – single panel door or bi-fold door. Lavatory Latch JMS2001-107UA is a paddle latch system which is accessible for all passengers. The Latch Assembly consists of (2) metallic Handles, a primary latch mechanism, (2) Plates, and various hardware. Installation of Lavatory Latch JMS2001-107UA is accomplished with standard maintenance tools.


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